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Art Elective Course Guide (2023-2024)

By: Zoë Espiritu & Megan Llewellyn-Jones

Are you a crazy theater and choir kid trying to take as many courses as possible to show your performing art skills? An artist showcasing their passion? Or are you just trying to fill up all five required art credits? Of course, you can take many exciting courses, and here we have laid them out for you to peruse and pick!






Kent Place Singers




Kent Place Singers is the perfect class for people who love singing and want to build teamwork and communication skills. This class is excellent for building your skills and having fun built into your schedule! This class does require an audition where you may perform a song and then sing a scale. This class takes up one block for the year, like any other academic course; however, it only meets twice a week, so you have free time once a week, making it a pretty low commitment. KP Singers performs at Star, Cabaret, and other annual concerts. They are also eligible to go on international trips and sing with other choirs worldwide. This year they are traveling to Ireland with Chamber Singers. It’s an easy art credit and an incredible learning experience for those trying to learn this new skill or students who excel in singing.

Dance: From Ballet to Modern




Dance: From Ballet to Modern is an easy-trimester course that introduces students to different dance techniques. It is easy and enjoyable, and students learn about different dance styles. Students also get to choreograph their assignments and present them at the end. It is a relatively easy art credit that many would enjoy if they want to learn about dancing or want to showcase their creativity with choreography.

Dance Ensemble




Dance Ensemble is an active and tricky course with a fantastic reward. It is an intermediate course and includes pilates, workouts, jumping, etc. In addition, the class performs at many events, such as the Grandparents/Special Friends Celebration and An Evening of Dance. Mariana Pirez Ramirez, '26, said, "It has me coming out of class sweaty and sore but it's worth it because it's fun and elegant…When I dance, it's like an escape from stress and I'm always excited to be in class because I have so much fun extending my knowledge of it." This class requires students to go through an audition to be placed in either Fundamental of Dance, Dance Ensemble, or Chamber Dancers. Therefore, this class is highly suggested for dancers with a fair amount of experience in dance, and you will earn three credits for the whole year.

Fundamentals of Dance Technique


1 (if taken the whole year)


Are you looking for a class that can give you both an art credit and a PE credit? Then, you’re in luck, as you can join Fundamentals of Dance Technique. It is a year-long course, and instead of taking a letter block, it takes a 2:30-3:30 block and meets two times a week. In the trimesters, they do pilates, dance critics, hip isolation, and are currently working on modern warmups. You can meet many new friends and have fun making and creating dances.

Chamber Dance




Chamber Dancers is an advanced dance course with many routines and a high standard of etiquette. It is audition-only. The class contains many styles, such as modern, jazz, musical theater, and ballet, and a typical class starts with a warmup, with roll downs, lunges, laterals, running, and other things. It is pretty technical, so you must be attentive as it is fast-paced and learn choreography fast. Caroline Wolitzer, '25, said, "You certainly earn your art credit, that's for sure." It is recommended to take Chamber Dancers if you have a lot of previous experience in multiple styles of dance and a solid technical background.

Listening to Music




Listening to Music is an easy art credit that includes listening to different cultures & analyzing and discussing them. It is slow, simple, and suitable for anyone as it can widen perspectives. It is an enjoyable, chill, and exciting class.

Music Theory 1




Are you looking for a class with a low commitment and easy to understand despite an insufficient knowledge of music theory? Then, it would help if you took Music Theory I, as there is a shallow commitment and chill. It moves at an average pace and is suitable for anyone regardless of skill level. I highly suggest it for anyone looking for an easy art credit or people looking to get into music but don’t know where to begin.

Music Theory II




Music Theory II is an incredibly relaxing and chill class! Its prerequisite is Music Theory I. It is fun and an easy elective for an art credit. This class is suitable for people who have already taken Music Theory I or play an instrument. It is decently simple if you know some music theory, such as time signatures, key signatures, scales, etc. It is low-stress and enjoyable!

AP Music Theory




For those who like music and want to improve but also want a challenging class, AP Music Theory is for you. This class is an AP, and many learn a lot as it improves music skills such as sight reading and singing. However, if you are just trying to get all their art credits, it isn't suggested to take it as it is challenging. It is essential to put in some time and effort on your own time to ensure that you know the information.





For those who like singing but need more time to build it into your schedule with KP Singers or Chamber Singers, this is the perfect place to have that movement and let your choral heart out. Chorale performs at Star, Cabaret, and other concerts throughout the year. Chorale does not meet during blocks but at 2:30 and 10:30 on certain days, meaning everyone has room to take this class. It, however, does not give art credit, but it can still teach a lot! And maybe one day, it will receive an art credit!

Chamber Singers




Chamber Singers is a great class that requires a lot of hard work but pays off! If you were previously enrolled in Kent Place Singers, you won’t need to audition for this class. However, if you are a junior wanting to take this class, you will need to audition. The audition is similar to Kent Place Singers’ audition where you may sing a song and possibly sing a scale. It is sometimes stressful but well worth it as dedication creates heavenly harmonies. It is a class that requires time and commitment and isn’t for those who want an easy art credit. Instead, it is suggested for those who want to improve their singing skills and work on team bonding.





Do you play an instrument? If you do, Orchestra is a great way to get your arts credits in. The Orchestra doesn't meet during blocks, but in the orchestra blocks, which is either once or twice a week. This is a fun, stress-free way to hang out with friends while making art. Orchestra performs at Star and a few concerts throughout the year. Even if you don't play an instrument, but you want to do Orchestra, you can receive lessons and be part of the Orchestra (if you started practice in the first trimester, you could be in Orchestra in 3rd trimester though you won't receive the credit that year)

Visual Art Workshop




Visual Art Workshop is one of the many art classes you can take in 9th grade. It is a fun and easy class, but it is even more fun with friends. It is an excellent introductory course for those interested in art but unsure if they want to pursue it in school.

Acting Seminar




Acting Seminar is the perfect class for actors looking to build up their skills in acting. If you have taken Acting Workshop or want to take Perf Co, this class is for you! Students will be in a small and intensive environment, and there may be the chance to perform in a small play with the students from this class. The lessons you learn can teach a lot and are suggested for those who want to pursue acting during high school rather than for those looking for an easy art credit. Even if you have no prior experience, it can be delightful, and everyone can grow differently!

Performance Company (Perf Co)




Do you want a super fun, enjoyable, collaborative class that offers performance opportunities? You should join Perf Co! If you take Acting Seminar, it is a very good guarantee that you will get into Perf Co! If you want to take this course but didn’t have this prerequisite, talk to Ms. Lesnik as she can help guide you on your acting journey! It is good if you love writing and acting. It is filled with a good mix of people who share the same interests as you in being a theater kid. Perf Co also gets to perform near the end of the trimesters, and you have the opportunity to showcase your skits with many supportive people from KPS. It is a 10/10 and highly suggested for anyone who likes theater and improvisation.

Acting Workshop




Are you an actor? Or someone who likes acting but doesn't know how to hone their skill? Or someone in the middle? Then you should join Acting Workshop. It is a very supportive environment and easy credit. It is very hands-on, accepting, and valuable. Even if you have barely any exposure to acting, it teaches you the foundation for performing and is fun. If you are comfortable putting yourself out there and making mistakes and overall just being silly, you won't have a problem. You should take it even if you aren't sure and are shy. It is valuable for everyone, and you can gain a lot of experience from many people. Sekai Marques, '23, said, "If you do want to pursue acting at Kent Place, I recommend it even more so. It's a good way to get your foot in the door for some of the other acting classes like acting seminar and Perf Co! and you get a lot of experience working with acting teachers as well!"

Studio Art




Let’s say you’re a rising sophomore trying to fill all your art credits. A good class would be Studio Art. It is an exciting class that can give you a lot of advice and improves your skills. The course can sometimes be a bit repetitive, as you usually take a month to work on one project. It is also very similar to other classes - 2D I, 2D II, & 3D, so if you don’t get into Studio Art, you can take these classes. Especially if you have friends also doing this class, it is an enjoyable and good class for an art credit.





Portfolio is an incredible class that could be described as therapy as you get to create and do projects. You can take it as a sophomore if you are incredibly passionate about the arts and submit a portfolio to the teachers. There are chill vibes, and the teacher is accommodating and kind. It is suggested for those who want to take AP Portfolio or those interested in the arts.

AP Portfolio




AP Portfolio is a relaxing class that prepares you to send your artwork to get your AP credit. You are guaranteed a spot in AP Portfolio if you have taken Portfolio, but it is possible to take it without having taken many art classes in KPS. You will need to submit some art pieces to show your skills and understanding of art techniques. There are many deadlines, so keeping track of your time is crucial! Regardless, it is an entertaining class for those who are invested in visual arts! It is entertaining and can teach individuals a lot of valuable abilities.






AP Art History




AP Art History is an incredibly essential and significant class that teaches students about the history of global visual art and reviews different pieces from many cultures - African, Asian, European, etc. Through this class, many skills can be learned, such as critically looking at art and how it is expressed. This class' difficulty can depend on each student, though suggested for people who enjoy research, discussion, and writing. There is much reading, writing, and group discussion throughout it. As to who would best fit this class, Mr. Gates, the teacher, says, "This course is for artists, historians, and anyone interested in visual art as a global expressive force and a recorder of historical events and humanity's relationship to its history. It is also a valuable course for visual artists who want to understand the history of visual expression and how it has changed over time."





Architecture is an engaging class recommended for anyone who plans or is taking art history, but it is also a laid-back class making it an excellent course to get an art credit. It focuses on history, art, and math, and you learn about many types of architecture from the past to the modern. Some examples of projects included making an apartment complex on a budget and designing a bedroom with specific requirements.

2D Design I




2D I is a fun class that can get boring after a bit. There are usually three projects in the trimester and some homework that includes making an art piece. You learn about some art terminology and experiment with some of the techniques. The two projects worked on this year included a charcoal drawing, a monochrome painting, and a digital art project. It is pretty low commitment, and it can be amusing if you have friends taking the class! It is suggested for anyone looking for an art credit or people trying to hone their artistic talent.

2D Design II




To take 2DII, you need to take 2DI as it’s the prerequisite. You continue practicing your art skills, which are similar to the previous lesson. It is suggested for anyone who needs art credit or talented artists.

3D Design




3D is a good class anyone can take and is an easy art credit. It isn’t a prerequisite class and usually occurs during the 3rd trimester. It is a similar structure to 2D I & II as it has three projects worked on throughout the trimester.





Ceramics is an excellent class that is incredibly fun and includes making various sculptures. You get a demonstration of the project and work on it. It is low-commitment, low-stress, and highly suggested for anyone to get an art credit.

Ethics and the Visual Arts: Art as Protest




Ethics and the Visual Arts: Art as Protest is an informative and easy course that teaches students to form strong opinions. This class is for you if you are creative and can formulate engaging ideas. You also craft items and are a good class for those looking for an art credit.

Film Art I




Are you interested in film? Then, Film Art I is the class for you as you watch movies chronologically and discuss them. It is exciting and expands your ability to dissect things. It can expose you to many genres of film and can help you appreciate how films are created besides the entertainment value. It is highly suggested for anyone looking for an art credit.

Film Art II




Film Art II is a sequel to Film Art I; you watch films and create films about them. There are discussions, projects, and a bit of homework. Compared to the prerequisite, the films are more artistic and abstract. It can, however, be repetitive until you get the chance to make a film, and if this is something that piques your interest, you should take Film Art I & Film Art II.

Photography I




Photography I is a low-commitment class where you take pictures and discuss them. Sometimes you need to edit the image in adobe photoshop. It is an easy class that is sometimes boring but suggested for those needing an art credit.

Photography II




Photography II is the sequel to Photography I and is very similar to that class. It is easy and mainly has discussions about pictures from your classmates. If you took Photography I, you should take Photography II to get an easy art credit.

Engineering and the Arts




Engineering and the Arts is an excellent class to get an art credit from as it is low commitment. The projects can be boring but also engaging. It is a fun class if you have friends enrolled with you and suitable for people who need to relieve stress.

After School Theatre Productions




Are you a theater kid? An excellent after-school commitment that also gives you an art credit would be the theater productions available at KPS. If you are on stage, the obligations can depend on your role. Regardless, it can be a significant time commitment but with many rewards. You can learn many life lessons and gain friends with similar interests. If a show has a big ensemble, try it out, and you might get cast as an ensemble! Being offstage can depend from person to person, especially if you have a significant role, such as stage manager, or if you are part of a run crew. As a run crew member, you are an essential member as you usually get to move props and change the scene. It can teach individuals a lot and is an excellent opportunity for those who have time but don’t want to commit to being onstage. It is pretty fun if you have friends backstage with you. As a stage manager, you may be under a lot of stress as you usually write the blocking, fill in for members if there are no understudies, and somehow have time to do hair and makeup. However, the end product is very much worth it. There are other backstage roles such as painting crew, student director, lighting crew, marketing crew, and many more, and if you are interested in doing something backstage, talk to Ms. Lesnik! You learn many life lessons that can sometimes be uninteresting during the waiting, especially during tech week. It is suggested to get a theater credit if you have time after school and need an art credit or if you love acting on or offstage.

Show: Chicago (Fall 2022)
By: John O' Boyle

Zoë’s choice:

As for which class I would take, it depends on your schedule and interests. As a student interested in all art forms, I enjoyed Acting Workshop and Kent Place Singers. I am also curious about Animation I and know many students who love ceramics. Also, if you need an art credit but don’t want to take up an academic block/free block, I would highly recommend Fundamentals of Dance Tech as it not only gives an art credit if you take it the whole year but also a PE credit. Plus, it meets from 2:30-3:30 two times a week!

Megan’s choice:

There isn't one best class; just because someone loved a type doesn't mean you need to love it too. I highly recommend the stage crew (theater) for those who want an art credit and to be part of a community. It is a short time commitment in the beginning. Ultimately, it gets more time-consuming, but you make many friends and participate in a fantastic show. When picking a class, don't just choose it because you need an art credit but also because you find it could be interesting.

Regardless of what class you take for 2023-2024, experiences can differ for each person, but if you are interested in a course, try to take it! The block schedule changes every year, so while filling out your course form, put as many courses that you want to take, and when you rank them, think about the ones you think you will genuinely enjoy and receive information from. If this article didn’t solve any of your problems, whether you are an art kid who wants to take as many classes as possible or someone needing art credits, talk to those in the grades above you, and I promise they will give you constructive advice. And maybe these classes will teach you to love a new skill! It’ll be well worth it, engaging, and informative!


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