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9/24/21 Announcements

Mrs. Murphy’s Weekly Updates: Here

Mrs. Murphy

All club fair boards should be returned to the corner of the hallway by Mrs. Smith’s office after the club fair.


The Student Diversity and Leadership Conference is a super great opportunity, especially for those of you with intersectional identities. There are a lot of chances to meet mentors and people from other schools. The dates are November 29th-December 3rd. SDLC will be virtual this year and see the email Ms. Justice & Ms. Henry sent out for additional information if you are interested in signing up.

KP Republicans

Juniors and Seniors, both the leadership positions for the KP Republicans are open this year. Anyone interested in this leadership opportunity please reach out to either Dr. Durbal or Ms. Manjovski.

Spanish Heritage Month

Latinx night is September 28th, so get excited! We will have a taco truck as well as empanada and dessert stands with food from various countries. We will also have a lot of different performers including a DJ and dance group.

Spanish National Honors Society

Spanish tutoring starts Monday the 27th! The schedule is linked here. If you want to be tutored, please sign up on the linked schedule and you will get an email saying where to meet.

Social Committee

From 7:30-10pm we will be watching Legally Blond! There will be tons of snacks and drinks.

Community Service Committee

At Kent Place you are not required to complete hours of Community Service because we believe service shouldn't be something that's mandated but instead something that's meaningful to you! That being said, every year the Community Service Committee sends out a form for you to long any hours you have collected so that we can celebrate all the service we accomplish at an end of the year breakfast. I will send out this form after this meeting but so please feel free to log any hours you completed over the summer or fill it out whenever you do some service throughout the year. Thanks!

History Club

Did you know that in 1830’s one of the most popular medicines was ketchup? Weird right. Come visit history clubs board at club fair to learn some of the interesting meetings we have planned and of course we have candy!


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