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5/06/22 Announcements

A Week

Mrs. Murphy’s Weekly Updates: Here

Mr. Largo

The senior Six Flags trip is back! Seniors, please look out for an email regarding field trip attendance and respond as soon as possible.

Cindy Fan

See the poem “Things We Carry on the Sea” by Wang Ping.

Karla Perdomo

Cinco De Mayo is a celebration of the day the Mexican army beat the French Army in the Battle of Puebla.

Active Minds

The month of may is dedicated to Mental Health Awareness! It’s the time where we spread awareness of those who are living with mental or behavioral issues and to help minimize the stigma around mental health. We are using the bulletin boards by the English wing and Ms. Hurley's room to post some resources, helpful information, and "emotion circles" that have affirmations written in them for different emotions people could be feeling like stress, frustration, happiness, sadness etc. We encourage you to go take a look and interact with them! Also, Mrs. Smith will be hosting a Lunch Chat on May 12 to raise awareness about Mental Health Month - ALL are welcome. So, look out for an email next week with more details.

Social Committee

Remember, the Spring semiformal dance is Saturday, May 14! Juniors and Seniors, please submit your permission slips for prom as soon as possible.


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