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4/24/23 Announcements

Ms. Murphy’s Weekly Announcements: here

Ms. Murphy

As the weather warms up and more of us start eating lunch on the lawn, please remember to pick up after yourself and avoid leaving trash all over! Also, a reminder that you must be wearing your access cards at all times- just having them in your backpack is not enough. Lastly, please be sure to have grade lounges cleaned by this Thursday evening as Alumni Weekend events begin on Friday.

Environmental Club

We’re excited to announce that the Environmental Club is running a Sustainability Challenge from Monday, 4/24 to Wednesday, 5/3! Click here to access the challenge spreadsheet, where you can find the list of mini challenges and log the ones you have completed. Those who have completed 10 or more challenges by 5/3 will be treated to a special breakfast! We look forward to everyone’s participation!

Arab-American Heritage Month

Dr. Hanna spoke about her Egyptian heritage, reflecting on her past experiences. She also shared the poem “To Want and to Dare” by Doria Shafik.


Get excited for Tuesday, May 2, which is DEA’s annual Celebrate Neurodiversity Day! Each grade and faculty are assigned a specific color to wear that matches a color on the disability pride flag: freshmen wear blue, sophomores wear yellow, juniors wear red, seniors wear green, and faculty wear white. We will also be distributing stickers with the neurodivergent infinity sign on them that you can wear to show your support, and there will be a trivia contest via posters with QR codes to questions hung up around the school. Most importantly, we will be holding a panel at 10:30 that day to hear from neurodivergent students and faculty. You can submit questions for the panelists here!

Dance Ensemble & Chamber Dancers

The Chamber Dancers performed an excerpt of a dance piece that will be showcased at Evening of Dance! A reminder that the event will be on Friday, April 28th at 7pm. Reserve your tickets here!


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