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MM Announcements 9/6/19

International Day of the Girl

Kent Place will be hosting the annual International Day of the Girl 5K and Festival on October 5. We will be sending out the running and volunteer forms shortly. We are also looking for people to run booths on IDG related topics. We are open to individual proposals but we will specifically be reaching out to club leaders to see if they are interested in running a booth that represents their club in regard to the theme of the day (empowerment of young women). We will be sending out a follow up email with more information soon and get excited!!


Soccer is playing Oak Knoll on Saturday at 11 am at the Oak Knoll fields in Chatham!

Chorale Presidents

Chorale is having their first rehearsal on Tuesday and it is an open rehearsal! Please come if you are interested in joining!

Cross country

Cross country will be going to their first meet this Saturday in Roxbury. Pat a runner on the back!


The tennis team won their first match and there is a Millburn tournament coming up.

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