Ms. Murphy’s Weekly Announcements: here
Mr. Weathersby
Come visit the newly reopened Kent Place Gallery and view SPECTRUM, a cross-divisional art show featuring mainly monochromatic compositions in brilliant color by artists from Primary, Middle and Upper School art classes. It’s a two-part show- in the gallery, Middle and Upper School paintings with subjects including portraiture, landscape, and abstraction flow through the color spectrum, circling around the room from yellow through all the primaries and secondaries, and concluding with orange. In the second part, on the display wall outside the gallery, Primary school artists have created a smooth transition moving continuously down the wall in an unbroken but shifting current from purple to blue. It will be up through early March 2023, so be sure to swing by and sign the visitor’s book!
Founders Day Committee
Next Wednesday, you will be working in advisories to create a Founder’s day poster that reflects Kent Place school spirit. The posters will then be judged by the Kindergarten class, and the winning advisory will receive donuts and hot chocolate! Also, there will be an opportunity to write thank-you notes to members of the KPS community opening up soon- the grade with the most thank-you notes written will receive a prize as well.
Black History Month
Don’t forget- the Black History Month Cosmic Bowl competition will be held on Thursday, Feb 23 from 2:30-3:30! There are posters hung around the school featuring significant individuals in Black history- look for a QR code to scan, which will lead you to an information page you can utilize in your preparation for the competition. Click here to sign up for the Cosmic Bowl- 6 people are needed per grade!
Cast of Clue
Get excited for the Winter Play, Clue, which will be showing Friday, 2/24 and Saturday, 2/25 at 7:30 pm. Friday’s show is completely sold out and Saturday’s show has less than 20 tickets left, so please buy your tickets now before they’re gone!
Dvita Bhattacharya
I am starting a fundraising campaign for Doctors Without Borders. All proceeds from the fundraiser will go to earthquake relief efforts in Turkey and Syria, which are still struggling with the destruction from two weeks ago. Both of the countries were hit by two more earthquakes yesterday, and survivors are still being recovered from the rubble. More than 47,000 people have died already, and, according to the WHO, 26 million others are in need of shelter, food and medical assistance. Visit this link to make a donation. Please consider donating however much you can and feel free to email me ( with any questions!
Our newest issue of Ballast was distributed during advisory this week- please be sure to give it a read, as it features many interesting and significant articles!
Society of Women in Engineering
Sunday, Feb 19th marked the start of National Engineers week! To celebrate, we will be bringing back activities such as the Stem Sisterhood and introducing some new initiatives, like reading a STEM-centered book to primary schoolers. Look out for more information to follow and get excited for the great activities we have planned!!
Ms. Murphy
There are quite a few schedule changes this week due to the Monday off and special events- please keep checking the Weekly Updates to make sure you know where to be!