A Week
Mrs. Murphy’s Weekly Updates: Here
Mrs. Murphy
If you are in need of a white turtleneck for Star please contact me. There will be no classes the day after Star. All lockers and lounges must be cleaned out by 12:00 on Friday (when everyone needs to leave).
Dr. Barovero
AP classes are allowed to give up to one hour of homework over winter break. Juniors should also read their CHP books.
Windward is announcing our winter contest! Submissions for the contest can include any piece of artwork or writing that is winter themed and they are due by January 14th! Any submitted work will also be reviewed for acceptance to the magazine! Please send submissions to windward@kentplace.org to win a pan of brownies!
Community Service Opportunity
Hi everyone! I, Maddie Popolow, am running a clothing drive with the organization Nourish NJ to help provide warm clothing to those who can not afford it. This drive starts today and goes until Friday, January 21st. The bins are in the tiled area. Break would be the perfect time to go out and buy some new clothing to donate, but because only new clothing can be donated, there is also a Venmo account you can send donations to. I included more information about what you can donate in the email I sent out Monday night and flyers are up around the school including the Venmo QR code. Thank you and I hope you all consider donating!
Lit Loose
Lit Loose is announcing Caraval by Stephanie Garber as our book for the winter. Meeting date TBA!
DivCo x CompSci club collab talking about women of color in stem on Thursday in Ms. Dwyer's room at 10:30.
Disability Education Alliance
Lilly, co-leader of the DEA, spoke on behalf of a member for the December Morning Meeting Announcement series, in honor of December 3 being the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Athletic Association
Winners for each grade in the ping pong tournament are listed on this presentation.