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11/15/21 Announcements

A Week

Mrs. Murphy’s Weekly Updates: Here

Mrs. Murphy

All spots on the floor of the Great Room should be filled in before students sit around the edges.

The single stall bathrooms are meant for only one person at a time. Please do not use them as a space to have private conversations or to hang out.


IndiaFest is this Thursday from 7-9pm on the Postage Stamp. Bring your family and friends because there will be tons of food and really cool performances (many of them by KP students).

Community Service

Thank you all for the great donations for the Thanksgiving Food Drive. The food will be loaded onto the GreenBean today at 2:30.

Junior State of America

Thank you to everyone who came to Fall State this weekend! We had a number of KPS students debating, and everyone had a great time! We have a meeting this week on Thursday, where we will be doing a mock pro-con debate with a fun topic!


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